13 April 2009

RSS Feeds

I've signed up with Google Reader, and started to explore the world of RSS feeds. It's funny: for years I've noticed that little orange and white logo on the right hand site of certain websites, but I've never been curious enough to take the next step.

Well, I am glad that I have. I've started with the Powerhouse Museum's brilliant Photo of the Day, some library sites, a football club, and what I thought was a sports history site. The feed that Google Reader identified as the Routledge Companion to Sports History is only a general feed for the publisher Routledge. Apparently one of its news items was about its book, the Routledge Companion to Sports History, and I mistook it to be a news feed dedicated to this book. Oh well, just another tip for young players.

There is no shortage of web feeds devoted to sports news, whether from news organisations, sporting associations or particular clubs. However, there really is at this time a lack of feeds relating to the study of sports history. I had expected the major scholarly bodies (such as the various societies for sports history, and groups studing the history of particular sports) to have feeds. No such luck! Closest thing I could find was the blog of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Pretty interesting, anyway, so it's on my list. For now.

Now that I've overcome my fear of that little orange and white logo on the right hand site of certain websites, my list of feeds on Google Reader will soon grow exponentially. Now, if only I can find the time to read them all ...

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